Holy Talisman

Holy Talisman
Rank: 1
Aspect of Healing
If you have learned the Sacred Word ability, your Miraculous Recovery has a 33% chance to grant the target the Sacred Word effect for XX seconds. Only works in combat. Can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Aspect of Support
Miraculous Recovery has a 33% chance to grant the target the Protection effect for 0.5 seconds. Only works in combat. Can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Holy Talisman
Rank: 2
Aspect of Healing
If you have learned the Sacred Word ability, your Miraculous Recovery has a 66% chance to grant the target the Sacred Word effect for XX seconds. Only works in combat. Can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Aspect of Support
Miraculous Recovery has a 66% chance to grant the target the Protection effect for 1 seconds. Only works in combat. Can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Holy Talisman
Rank: 3
Aspect of Healing
If you have learned the Sacred Word ability, your Miraculous Recovery has a 100% chance to grant the target the Sacred Word effect for XX seconds. Only works in combat. Can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
Aspect of Support
Miraculous Recovery has a 100% chance to grant the target the Protection effect for 1.5 seconds. Only works in combat. Can be triggered once every 30 seconds.

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