Law and Order

Law and Order
Rank: 1
Retribution and Revenge additionally deal XX damage to the target if they are affected by Condemnation, extending its duration by seconds.
Damage dealt by this ability does not trigger another Supremacy.
Aspect of Defense
Increases all physical damage dealt by 9%.
Law and Order
Rank: 2
Retribution and Revenge additionally deal XX damage to the target if they are affected by Condemnation, extending its duration by seconds.
Damage dealt by this ability does not trigger another Supremacy.
Aspect of Defense
Increases all physical damage dealt by 18%.
Law and Order
Rank: 3
Retribution and Revenge additionally deal XX damage to the target if they are affected by Condemnation, extending its duration by seconds.
Damage dealt by this ability does not trigger another Supremacy.
Aspect of Defense
Increases all physical damage dealt by 27%.

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