
Rank: 1
When your Rage of Light ends, up to 2 enemies within range will have Condemnation applied to them for 84 seconds. The effect will match the rank of the corresponding ability.
Other Paladin abilities that boost Condemnation have no effect on this ability.
You must learn the Condemnation ability first.
Rank: 2
When your Rage of Light ends, up to 4 enemies within range will have Condemnation applied to them for 84 seconds. The effect will match the rank of the corresponding ability.
Other Paladin abilities that boost Condemnation have no effect on this ability.
You must learn the Condemnation ability first.
Rank: 3
When your Rage of Light ends, up to 6 enemies within range will have Condemnation applied to them for 84 seconds. The effect will match the rank of the corresponding ability.
Other Paladin abilities that boost Condemnation have no effect on this ability.
You must learn the Condemnation ability first.

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