Priest of Darkness

Priest of Darkness
Rank: 1
Aspect of Support
Outgoing healing is increased by 2%.
If you have less than 5 drops of blood left, you gain 1 stacks of the Dehydration effect. This effect can be triggered once in 30 seconds.
Dehydration allows you to cast Wandering Fever, Vampirism, and Life Tap instantly.
Priest of Darkness
Rank: 2
Aspect of Support
Outgoing healing is increased by 4%.
If you have less than 5 drops of blood left, you gain 2 stacks of the Dehydration effect. This effect can be triggered once in 30 seconds.
Dehydration allows you to cast Wandering Fever, Vampirism, and Life Tap instantly.
Priest of Darkness
Rank: 3
Aspect of Support
Outgoing healing is increased by 6%.
If you have less than 5 drops of blood left, you gain 3 stacks of the Dehydration effect. This effect can be triggered once in 30 seconds.
Dehydration allows you to cast Wandering Fever, Vampirism, and Life Tap instantly.

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