Healer's Motto

Healer's Motto
Rank: 1
Aspect of Healing
While Dark Renewal, Plague of Mending, and Blood Stream are cast, your incoming damage is reduced by 10%.
Casting Dark Renewal and Blood Stream heals two party members within 30 yards of the main target with the lowest health for 8% of the ability's maximum healing.
Healer's Motto
Rank: 2
Aspect of Healing
While Dark Renewal, Plague of Mending, and Blood Stream are cast, your incoming damage is reduced by 20%.
Casting Dark Renewal and Blood Stream heals two party members within 30 yards of the main target with the lowest health for 16% of the ability's maximum healing.
Healer's Motto
Rank: 3
Aspect of Healing
While Dark Renewal, Plague of Mending, and Blood Stream are cast, your incoming damage is reduced by 30%.
Casting Dark Renewal and Blood Stream heals two party members within 30 yards of the main target with the lowest health for 24% of the ability's maximum healing.

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