Power over Flesh

Power over Flesh
Rank: 1
Using healing abilities has a 50% chance to apply Power over Flesh to the Summoner (stacks up to 3 times).
The amount of health restored by Dark Renewal and Healing Injection will be increased by XX%. The cast time of Healing Injection will be reduced by 11% for each stack of the effect. The effect will be consumed.
Power over Flesh is not applied if you are healed by these abilities.
Power over Flesh
Rank: 2
Using healing abilities has a 50% chance to apply Power over Flesh to the Summoner (stacks up to 3 times).
The amount of health restored by Dark Renewal and Healing Injection will be increased by XX%. The cast time of Healing Injection will be reduced by 22% for each stack of the effect. The effect will be consumed.
Power over Flesh is not applied if you are healed by these abilities.
Power over Flesh
Rank: 3
Using healing abilities has a 50% chance to apply Power over Flesh to the Summoner (stacks up to 3 times).
The amount of health restored by Dark Renewal and Healing Injection will be increased by XX%. The cast time of Healing Injection will be reduced by 33% for each stack of the effect. The effect will be consumed.
Power over Flesh is not applied if you are healed by these abilities.

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