Piercing Cold

Piercing Cold
Rank: 1
Aspect of Assault
Snowstorm deals 5% more damage. The cooldown is reduced by 20%.
The Mage can move at 25% speed while casting the ability.
Affected target will be slowed down by 50%.
Piercing Cold
Rank: 2
Aspect of Assault
Snowstorm deals 10% more damage. The cooldown is reduced by 35%.
The Mage can move at 50% speed while casting the ability.
Affected target will be slowed down by 50%.
Piercing Cold
Rank: 3
Aspect of Assault
Snowstorm deals 15% more damage. The cooldown is reduced by 50%.
The Mage can move at 75% speed while casting the ability.
Affected target will be slowed down by 50%.

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