Lightning Speed

Lightning Speed
Rank: 1
Using Shocking Grasp has a 33% chance to apply Rapid Sorcery to the Mage (stacks up to 6 times) which reduces the cast time of Fireball, Frostbolt, and Thunderbolt by 33% for each stack of the effect.
Lightning Speed
Rank: 2
Using Shocking Grasp has a 67% chance to apply Rapid Sorcery to the Mage (stacks up to 6 times) which reduces the cast time of Fireball, Frostbolt, and Thunderbolt by 33% for each stack of the effect.
Lightning Speed
Rank: 3
Using Shocking Grasp has a 100% chance to apply Rapid Sorcery to the Mage (stacks up to 6 times) which reduces the cast time of Fireball, Frostbolt, and Thunderbolt by 33% for each stack of the effect.

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