Musician's Curse

Musician's Curse
Rank: 1
Aspect of Assault
All damage dealt by Crescendo is increased by 100%.
The ability also applies the Wounds effect to all targets that have taken damage. The effect lasts 4 seconds.
The cast time of the ability is reduced by 30%.
The cooldown of Crescendo is now 40 seconds.
Dancing Blade, Singing Blade, and Flying Blade reduce the cooldown of Crescendo by 4 seconds when they end.
Reduces your damage taken by 4%.
Musician's Curse
Rank: 2
Aspect of Assault
All damage dealt by Crescendo is increased by 200%.
The ability also applies the Wounds effect to all targets that have taken damage. The effect lasts 4 seconds.
The cast time of the ability is reduced by 40%.
The cooldown of Crescendo is now 40 seconds.
Dancing Blade, Singing Blade, and Flying Blade reduce the cooldown of Crescendo by 8 seconds when they end.
Reduces your damage taken by 8%.
Musician's Curse
Rank: 3
Aspect of Assault
All damage dealt by Crescendo is increased by 300%.
The ability also applies the Wounds effect to all targets that have taken damage. The effect lasts 4 seconds.
The cast time of the ability is reduced by 50%.
The cooldown of Crescendo is now 40 seconds.
Dancing Blade, Singing Blade, and Flying Blade reduce the cooldown of Crescendo by 12 seconds when they end.
Reduces your damage taken by 12%.

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