Gravity Whirl

Gravity Whirl
Rank: 1
With a 33% chance, every enemy within the range of Spider Suppressor will be pulled towards the spider and will be disoriented for 3 seconds.
Aspect of Assault: with a 33% chance, victims of the ability will also take 20% more damage from the Engineer for 6 seconds.
Gravity Whirl
Rank: 2
With a 66% chance, every enemy within the range of Spider Suppressor will be pulled towards the spider and will be disoriented for 3 seconds.
Aspect of Assault: with a 66% chance, victims of the ability will also take 20% more damage from the Engineer for 6 seconds.
Gravity Whirl
Rank: 3
With a 100% chance, every enemy within the range of Spider Suppressor will be pulled towards the spider and will be disoriented for 3 seconds.
Aspect of Assault: with a 100% chance, victims of the ability will also take 20% more damage from the Engineer for 6 seconds.

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