Nezeb's Chalice of Wrath III


  • Max stack size: 1
Nezeb's Chalice of Wrath III
This item binds when picked up
Item level: 15
A powerful artifact that grants you the following ability:
When you take damage from other players, you will have an effect applied to you (no more than once every 0.5 seconds) that increases damage dealt by 0.2% for 3 seconds. The effect stacks up to 100 times.
The effects of identical artifacts do not stack (regardless of the rank).
Killers' Artifact. Works only in skirmishes and combats, and in locations where players fight each other: Asee-Teph, Kingdom of Elements, and Al Rihat Ruins.The Great Nezeb nursed his grudge for a long time until he had the opportunity to repay all his enemies a hundredfold. And the world trembled.
Disappears in: 30d.

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