Centaur the Traveler's first note


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Centaur the Traveler's first note
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I don't see why people love this Well so much. The morning sun is a thousand times more beautiful, and you can see it from everywhere.
I'm a simple centaur. I'm not even a shaman who talks to spirits. I can't see the whole picture. Come to think of it, why is it even called "a well"? It's no good for collecting water. Oh heavens, it is a weird place, indeed.
While I was grabbing a bite, I overheard a conversation. They were talking about Demon Hunters whose camp they liberated from demons a while ago. They're so brave! They fly through astral and hunt astral monsters there. They've been everywhere. I decided I should pay them a visit and listen to their stories. I hear nature is very beautiful there.
My hooves are aching, but adventure is calling! No time for rest!

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