Centaur the Traveler's eighth note


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Centaur the Traveler's eighth note
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Just think about it. No two-legged creature can imagine how hard it is to sneak quietly on four muscular legs.
I got carried away and walked through the whole the camp! I can't brag about it to anyone, but it's something I can write down in my notes!
Familiar places look different at night. You get to notice things you never noticed before. It makes you understand things you couldn't until now. But enough of "philosophizing", as Aoidos used to say.
My sister was asleep as I grabbed the toy. I think she sensed my presence but never woke up. I don't know how. She might have sighed in a special way. I grew up with her, so I can feel her with my heart.
I know she will forgive me. She won't think I escaped.
There's only one place left to visit. It's the Site of Power. They say that the swords are always clashing there. I'll go to the champions' camp and get myself drunk to leave these lands without a second thought.

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