Invitation to the Great Ball


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Invitation to the Great Ball
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Dear {username}!
After assessing your numerous feats and noble deeds, the Great House de Desirae informs you with this letter that His Royal Majesty Louis de Desirae invites you to the Great Ball which will take place at the appointed time.
You will arrive at the place known as the Patriarch's Residence located near the Al Rihat Ruins on Umoir allod.
On the pier, you will be able to use the transport services which will take you to His Majesty's Court.
Written at the court of His Majesty King Louis de Desirae, the owner of the allods Tenebra and Nocturne, by His Majesty's secretary Blanche de Desirae.
P.S. I would like to remind you of the importance of observing the courtly etiquette at His Majesty's Court.

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