Page 1 of Danas's Guide to Allods: Why I wrote it.


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Page 1 of Danas's Guide to Allods: Why I wrote it.
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When writing a book, the hardest thing is to start. I've been sitting over this scroll for an hour, chewing on my quill, and I still haven't come up with a good preamble.
Here's the thing: I have a journal, everyone knows about it, it was even printed, but they didn't do a good job: they printed many copies of the first pages, but not enough copies of the last ones. But those events were written down by some scribe the way he heard them, I'm not the one who told him about Umoir.
And here I'm summoned by Skrakan - the one I've served for who knows how many years - and says: you've been places, Danas. And now rest a bit and write down your account of everything that happened to you...
Read Danas's Guide to Allods to view the contents of the page.

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