Thorns Module


  • Max stack size: 1
Thorns Module
Required level: 4
The owner of the mystic shell throws a carnivorous plant seed which creates an area that tosses enemies up, slows them down, and deals damage over time.
The area exists for 5 seconds, slows enemies down by YY% and deals them XX damage per second.
Consumes 15 energy charges. If there are not enough charges, it automatically consumes Mana Batteries.
Can be traded for 100 Design Packs or 100 Memory Modules.
Can be obtained from the Adaptive Shell Module or by converting the Ash Mystic Shell.
Press J to open the interface and switch the abilities.
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Thorns Module
Required level: 4
The owner of the mystic shell throws a carnivorous plant seed which creates an area that tosses enemies up, slows them down, and deals damage over time.
The area exists for 5 seconds, slows enemies down by YY% and deals them XX damage per second.
Consumes 15 energy charges. If there are not enough charges, it automatically consumes Mana Batteries.
Can be traded for 100 Design Packs or 100 Memory Modules.
Can be obtained from the Adaptive Shell Module or by converting the Ash Mystic Shell.
Press J to open the interface and switch the abilities.
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.

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