Seal of Conclave


  • Max stack size: 20
Seal of Conclave
Defensive charms of this Seal increase your defensive stats by 30. They also give you a chance to increase your Sustainability.
The Seal can be traded for 125 Fragments of a Part of the Edict of Conclave.
3 Seals can be traded for a Sacrament of Conclave.
Abilities and skills granted by this item are temporary. Their lifetime equals the lifetime of the item.
Ability lifetime stacks up when the Seal is used repeatedly.
You may redistribute your stat points via the Patronage interface.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 182d.
Amount: 1/20
Seal of Conclave
Defensive charms of this Seal increase your defensive stats by 30. They also give you a chance to increase your Sustainability.
The Seal can be traded for 125 Fragments of a Part of the Edict of Conclave.
3 Seals can be traded for a Sacrament of Conclave.
Abilities and skills granted by this item are temporary. Their lifetime equals the lifetime of the item.
Ability lifetime stacks up when the Seal is used repeatedly.
You may redistribute your stat points via the Patronage interface.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 182d.
Amount: 1/20

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