Uncommon Astralium Workpiece


  • Max stack size: 25
Uncommon Astralium Workpiece
This item binds when picked up
Required level: 105
Can be used to create uncommon | rare | epic | legendary | fabled | relic Scrolls of Reinforcement for:
- Helmet
- Cloak
- Armor
- Gloves
- Belt
- Greaves
- Boots
- Earring
- Necklace
- Shirt | - Spaulders
- Vambraces
- Ring | - Weapon

- Hunting Uro-Boros (Weekly quest and participation in the Hunt)
- Battle for Ambrosia (Weekly quest and participation in the Battle)
- Storm on Suslanger (Weekly quest)
- Reward for defeating a strong enemy in the Observatory (Normal and High difficulty)
- Purchase for 50 Glacier Ice Shards obtained on the Melting Isle | - Reward for defeating a strong enemy in Nihaz's Citadel. | - Reward for defeating the final enemy in Nihaz's Citadel.
Amount: 1/25

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