Prince Juju's Crown


  • Max stack size: 1
Prince Juju's Crown
This item binds when picked up
Required level: 4
Allows you to obtain a unique mount - a Lemur with the Prince Juju color pattern.
It will increase your movement speed by 160%155%.
The Nimble Paws ability allows the Lemur to make a long jump forward while it has the Lemur Nimbleness effect. Lemur Nimbleness stacks up to two times.
This lemur can also dance!
If you already have this type of mount or combat mechanism, it will be replaced with the new one of the same level. Otherwise you will only receive the color pattern.
Press J to open the Stable interface and summon the mount.This item is stored in the Boutique tab of your bag.
This item is consumed after use.
Prince Juju's Crown
This item binds when picked up
Required level: 4
Allows you to obtain a unique mount - a Lemur with the Prince Juju color pattern.
It will increase your movement speed by 160%155%.
The Nimble Paws ability allows the Lemur to make a long jump forward while it has the Lemur Nimbleness effect. Lemur Nimbleness stacks up to two times.
This lemur can also dance!
If you already have this type of mount or combat mechanism, it will be replaced with the new one of the same level. Otherwise you will only receive the color pattern.
Press J to open the Stable interface and summon the mount.This item is stored in the Boutique tab of your bag.
This item is consumed after use.

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