Holy Weapon of Beauty


  • Max stack size: 1
Holy Weapon of Beauty
Morphs any equipped weapon into an epic one! This appearance is worthy of a great hero!
Increases your by 20 upon use.
Holy Weapon will lose its power after 180 days.
A very rare Holy Weapon appearance!
This item is stored in your bag under the Boutique tab.
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 30d.
Holy Weapon of Beauty
Morphs any equipped weapon into an epic one! This appearance is worthy of a great hero!
Increases your by 20 upon use.
Holy Weapon will lose its power after 180 days.
A very rare Holy Weapon appearance!
This item is stored in your bag under the Boutique tab.
Consumed after use.
Goods from the Boutique.
Disappears in: 30d.

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