Invisible Guardians


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Faction: /World/Factions/Pridens_League.(Faction).xdb
  • Level: 12
  • Required level: 12
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Side Quest
  • Zone:


Protect Gaal-Irhen while he restores the spells of the Invisible Guardians.


Aho, frriend! They say, the Enlightened always come in time, and now I can see it's true. You've come in time indeed!
I need your help. My Trainer is doolga Gaal-Mysh, the oldest doolga of the Gaal Branch. We, doolgas, are called "the ones who talk with spirits". Only we can see the world that is invisible to others and communicate with the spirits. It's a grreat gift and a big responsibility, eysh!
You see those stone statues? They are called the Invisible Guardians, and they prrotect the Residence from hunhurrs. Not a single crreature can sneak by them unnoticed. I was send to renew their power. Will you help me, kylys?


Are you ready? Let's go!


Ay-hya! Something has gone wrong... Hunhurrs have never dared to approach the Invisible Guardians, let alone to attack a doolga!
I am going to my Trrainer - I need to warn doolgas that the Invisible Guardians don't keep hunhurrs away anymore. I hope we will think of something together. Thank you for your help!


Experience: +3630

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