New Uniform: Headgear




Bring 28 different class headpieces to Valentin Rubashkin in Nezebgrad.
  • Headpieces brought: 28/28


I'm working on an important order - I must create a new uniform for our glorious army! Yasker personally asked me to make it convenient but keep the heroic appearance. And of course, it must be stylish and fashionable. Nobody will respect a soldier dressed in grandfather rags!

Are you interested in the designer's job? I could use your help. I need to compare the designs of different headpieces. Do you know the Headgear Chests sold in the Boutique? Bring me all 28 headpieces from the Chests. You can buy them from the Boutique, trade with someone or find them on the auction...

I hope a unique headpiece sewn by the famous Valentin Rubashkin will be a perfect reward for you!

I'm putting a special spell on you, so you can easily see which headpiece I need.


I'm putting a special spell on you, so you can see which headpiece I need. Bring me the one I need right now, I won't accept any other!


You managed to find all 28 headpieces! The new uniform is nearly done. When our soldiers step on the battlefield in their new overcoats with gold laces and braids, the enemy will go blind from our awesomeness!



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