The Witch's Third Task



Collect 10 Slimy Whiskers for Agniya Charova.


There's not much left to do now! Soon it'll be possible for us to start the magical experiment!

My cauldron is boiling and I am all a jitter with anticipation. The only thing missing is slimy whiskers. I need ten of them and you'll have to go to the Kudykin Altar, it's the only place where those millipedes exist. I'm warning you, this won't be an easy trial, but I have faith in you! And besides, I have no one else I can send.


I think it would probably be more profitable to raise one's own millipede instead of dragging oneself to the Kudykin Altar after them every time. It's worth thinking about.


Oh my, what would I do without you! Just wait one second - I need to get everything ready for the experiment. I'm not too sure I should be bringing you with me. This is very dangerous! But I'll consider it so come by later.


Experience: +2100
  • +250 reputation points with Kanians

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