Great Ball



The Great Ball is a marvelous event in the lives of all elves. It takes place once in several decades. The previous Ball was disrupted by Armando de Doucer, who corrupted the Galleon Castle on Tenebra. Stakes are growing higher! Victory of one of the Houses may influence the confrontation of the Empire and the League.


You have solved the "Great Ball" mystery


I've always dreamed about the Great Ball! Don't tell anyone, alright? I want to hear every little detail of it!


What? I can't believe this!
Who could've thought we'd run into the House de Velund? There are only vague legends about Elleken. And Louis's decision to contact him seems rather reckless...
Even though Zayan took on training Skulnar the Fierce, I don't think it's the end of it. Orcs got their Great Mage after all, which means.... Shamans have a strong argument in their favor now.
Alas, we've started receiving terrible news - there's a riot on Izune. Of course, it's the Shamans who stirred it up as soon as they heard about Skulnar. Yasker already ordered the army to move in. There's trouble in other places as well. Orcs are worried, prophets keep popping up who predict that, "the new Great Feast is around the corner"...
Nezeb was right when he said more orcs meant more problems! Without wars, they wilt, start making trouble, turn to crime, and there have been no wars since Dane... Now we have our hands full.
The world is changing. Irreversibly. Orcs, elves, and even Gibberlings... they seem to be willing to go their own way.


Experience: +110

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