Searching for Talent



Complete Ionas’s, Phoebus’s, and Dionysius’s quests, then return to Cassandra.


Yes, it’s true - I can look through the fabric of time and see what awaits us. Such vision requires great concentration, and I must be careful not to get lost in my own misconceptions.
I rarely see the birth of Aoidoi in my visions. But... I saw you. Something makes you special, child. I wish I knew what it was. Just one word is tied to your fate in my visions: Stormbringer.
But enough of ominous predictions! Your fate is uncertain. You should try and find your Talent, perhaps? Aoidoi will gladly help you with that. For example, Ionas, Phoebus, and Dionysius... Yes, they are all currently unoccupied. Don’t be surprised - all Dominae are connected through our minds, and I hear their thoughts like my own.
Go to them and try to find yourself. You’ll learn something about our life.


You shouldn’t despair if you haven’t found your calling. It may find you yet.


You shouldn’t despair if you haven’t found your calling. It may find you yet. You just need to wait a little longer. Phoebus’s idea isn’t that bad either - you are strong, so you could be a warrior.


Experience: +43200

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