Fair Sport



Outrun the Kardis Unicorn in a race around the square, then spar with Phoebus.


Hello. My name is Phoebus, and I’m the patron of noble sports. I heard you’re trying to find your calling. Perhaps it’s sports?
It’s easy to find out, actually. There’s a Kardis Unicorn at the end of the square - I trained it. If you outrun the swift-footed beast, I will spar with you. And then we’ll find out if you’re any good in sports!


Honor and will are the marks of a good sportsman.


That... was... a good fight. Ugh!
Well, what you did was effective, and your uniform inspires respect. But such techniques are not allowed in sports, because they are dishonorable.... I have an idea! Perhaps you have a Warrior gift? Like Kyros? That would be nice. Try talking to him when you have time.


Experience: +65200

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