The Hope of the Shamans



Resolve the situation with the XAES and inform Wrokag the Northwind in Yasker’s Tower.
  • Resolve the situation with the XAES
    (Complete the quest "Nezeb's Fifth Feat")


So, the spirit has confirmed everything: you are destined to find the descendant of the Legendary Orc. You must inform Wrokag the Northwind. Go and tell him everything that happened here! Tell me you are the chosen one!
The eyes of all the Orcs are now fixed on you! Alright, not all the Orcs... There are some unbelievers in our tribe who gave up hope long ago. They claim that we do not need magic and that we are different from those prissy Elves. They prefer to play Goblinball and fight in the arenas. Fiercetusk the Roughneck's gang is made up of those renegades. And they call themselves warriors. How do you like them? A pitiful sight, as I'm sure you'll agree. The Orcs are becoming weak and lazy! But you and I? We will bring back the Legendary Orc!
Go talk to Wrokag. You can find him in Yasker’s Tower. But... he won't see you now anyway. They have some kind of emergency over there. The whole city is in uproar. I don’t know what happened, only that it has something to do with the central Mana Station, the XAES. Until it blows over, you won't be able to reach Wrokag.


Fate has chosen you.
The situation with the XAES has been resolved thanks to you. And you will help our people find the Legendary Orc. It has to be this way, because the legend says so.


Experience: +950
  • +250 reputation points with Orcs

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