Valuable Drops



Bring 12 Drops of Salt Water to Solka the Unyielding.


I have another favor to ask you. To the north of here some water elementals live near a few small lakes. I once overheard some scientists in the Hadron quarter talking about them. They were saying they desperately needed their special water - salty and full of magic. They said it would make a good... ca... ca-ta-lyst.

I've no idea what that means, but it must be pretty valuable. That water must be all that remains from the once great ocean! I don't know how it got turned into those great beasts, but it has to be full of magic. Those eggheads would just love the stuff!

How about this - you go hunt those elementals and bring me some of their water, and then I'll ship it off to those scientists. Remember you still need my help in this because I'm the only one who knows exactly who they are, hehe! In return I'll give you a hefty sum of money.


Well, how's the hunt going?


Aha, there they are! Here's your reward. Not enough? Remember I'm taking a huge risk here! Maybe I won't score anything for these drops!


Experience: +1120

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