Treasures of the Storm



Obtain 90 jinn relics from treasure chests during the Storm.
  • (Check the calendar to see when the next Storm will hit)


Oh, my young friend, the joy of my eyes! Allow the old man to request something of you. You've helped me a great deal already, please help me some more...
When the storm breaks, go to the desert to get the treasures. In those chests, you will find jinns' relics - they are what I need!
The greater your greed, the more relics will be revealed to you in the largest treasure by the end of the storm.
Ahalai Mahalai! Sim salabim! May the breath of the wind be with you!


I doubt you'll be able to finish my task during one Storm...


I see you have all the relics with you. Greetings, my young friend, the joy of my heart!



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