Al Rihat Monster Hunting: Tord the Fierce



Defeat Tord the Fierce in a swamp near the Sorceress' Tower


It's not easy job to be a monster hunter. I have to hang around all day, waiting volunteers to take my quest. It's a little boring.
On the other hand, the monsters seem to have fun. Why else would they drag their buddies to these lands? We've got enough of them here as it is. Here's the story: goblins have hired a new beast as a guard, and it ran away without a second thought.
The locals call it Tord the Fierce. I have no idea what it is. It may be a toad or a troll. In any case, it's big, slimy, and it stinks like all swamps of the world. It lies in wait in the lair under the Sorceress' Tower, ambushing merchants. You need to kill it before it has a litter.


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