The Army of Stone



Use the Primordial Stone to subdue 6 Boulder Elementals and report to Michelle de Grandeur.


At last! Someone has come to clear the quarry of these bandits! You'll help me, won't you? I've got a great plan that should make this easy.

You see, I was originally sent to this quarry in order to oversee the work of the earth elementals. Unfortunately, when they were attacked by the bandits, my binding spell broke.

This Primordial Stone can make them submit to your will. It's something they were made from, and so it holds power over them. However, before they succumb to it you'll have to weaken them first. Only then will the Primordial Stone work.

Once we control the earth elementals, we can tell them to attack the bandits. Then those bastards will wish they had never come here!


It's time to clear the quarries of this trash!


Perfect. Now I have a force that can drive those ruffians from the quarries. I can shift for myself now. This should be fun!


Experience: +400

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