The Runaway Satyr



Kill the Runaway Satyr and report back to the Husky Family.


One of our other runaway beasts is a satyr. A terrible one at that - our hearts skip a beat every time we think of it. We've heard some tavern rumors that it's been spotted along the Astral coast, near the Farshore Shipyard.

It must have gone completely mad to make for the coast and, unfortunately, if that's the condition it's in then it's especially dangerous. Please go there and find and kill the beast. We don't want it harming the nearby shipbuilders! It won't be an easy task, but trust us, when it's all over, we'll give you a nice reward.


Have you been to the shipyard yet? Did you find the satyr?


Now that's better, much better. Too bad it couldn't have ended more happily. The beast would have had a much better time living in a zoo than dead. Here's your reward.


Experience: +840

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