The Power of the Astral



Collect 10 Astral Gems for the Obtuse Family.


Getting inside the rebels' heads? That sounds like fun! We should have thought of that earlier, before we even joined the rebellion. That way we could have guessed their plans, told them to our friends, and saved all of Lightwood! Gee! We could have become a heroes!

Anyway, we will need some reagents before we do this little mind invasion. It's good that we're on the coast - Astral gems grow all along the beach. They can be used to make a powerful powder that enhances mental abilities.

t will also use up a lot of our strength, though, but we need to do this to make up for our sins! Bring me ten gems and I shall tell you everything, even including how often the rebel leader wet himself as a kid.


We need those delicious little gifts from the Astral!


Well, let's do it. I must admit I've never tried this before, and my teacher once told me it can be very dangerous... Oh, the pressure... Myyyy bbbrraiinnn!


Experience: +840

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