Triple Joy



Use the portal in Molotovka to travel to Novograd and meet with Maya Korchakova.
  • Gain access to the portals in Siveria
    (Talk to Zinoviy Protasov and complete his quest to gain access to the portals in Siveria.)


I have a proposition for you.

You see, my family just got a lot bigger! My wife, Ludmila, gave birth to three boys recently! What a gift! They're all sturdy and good-looking too! We've named them Andrey, Vladimir, and Oleg. I'm sure they'll do some damage when they grow up.

I want to share the news with Maya. I thought of sending a letter but now that you're here...

Can you go back to Novograd and tell Maya the good news? The faster the better, so it would be a good idea for you to use the portal. It'll take you to Novograd and back in seconds! And you will learn how to use portals, too.

This task should be a breeze!


What?! I have three nephews now? Boy, is that good news, or what?!

I would give you a hug or a kiss, but I can't. My Kudeyar is so passionately jealous. If he were to find out, I don't know what he'd do.


Experience: +220

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