Tiger Rage



Charge the amulet with rage from 10 tigers and bring it back to Natalia Koreshkova.


Our soldiers put their lives on the line for us and I want to prepare presents for them in appreciation! I've decided on making tiger charms but they need to be charged with a magical power that I do not possess.

Tiger Rage is an excellent source of this power so I'm giving you a special amulet to collect it. Use it when the tiger is wounded and he'll go berserk, then his rage vibrations can then be captured by the amulet. You won't miss this moment if you're an attentive hunter.

And then I'll find a way to extract it and put it into charms. So, go and collect the rage of ten tigers. I know this is a dangerous game, but the result is worth it!


We need to charge the amulet as soon as possible. I can't wait to see the results!


The defenders should like the charms and, to be honest, I hope that Sterhnev will take note of my accomplishments. Maybe they'll even give me a medal, what do you think?

And for you, I have another useful item! Yes, this very same charm. Use it wisely! The pagan magic of the druids can be a dangerous weapon!


Experience: +220

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