The Help of a Wise Woman



Speak with Natalia Koreshkova in Molotovka.


This is some situation we have here! Savages are revolting, colonists are pushing in from all sides...

And now my men have fallen ill with some mysterious disease and our medic is powerless! You must be careful too - you don't want to catch this infection.

I need you to find Natalia Koreshkova in the village, she's a folk healer, a wise woman... In short, a witch! Maybe she can suggest something to help.

But don't tell our medic that we have someone who's not into traditional medicine.


If you've come for a love potion, it takes Snake Skin. And it's very hard to come by around here.


Oh, Vlad Strezhnev has need of my help? Tell him to first issue me a wise woman's license. I've been waiting far too long for it! And until I get it, then let a real physician treat them.

Wait, wait... I didn't really mean it! Of course I'll help. How can I not when someone is sick!


Experience: +1320

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