Poachers in the Way of Progress



Rough up 8 Waterfolk Poachers, 4 Waterfolk Witches, and Illyar the Brutish and report to Taras Khripunov.


I have a job for you on behalf of the Molotovka merchants. However, this is more serious than just hunting deer. It's only a job that can be done by experienced warriors.

You see, the waterfolk have been poaching our waters! They've been catching fish in the Vertush River without permission and using banned techniques! We've sent them warnings but they can't read and talking to them is useless.

So, I want you to head down to the river and rough them up. Maybe that will teach the others to respect the law!

Remember to get the witches too - they use their shamanic dances to put spells on the fish. And if you manage to meet up with their boss, then teach him a lesson too! You'll find the waterfolk at the delta to the north of here.


How are things with the waterfolk? No mercy for the poachers!


So the waterfolk received a good kick in the pants? Good, maybe now they will wise up. The Molotov Family asked me to give you a gift for your exploits. May it bring you good fortune!


Experience: +1320

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