The Riddle of the Archipelago



Bring the Stooping Family 7 pieces of Gritty Ore.


Tell us, has anyone here seen a Great Mage? No? That's because there isn't one. And if there's no Great Mage, then what does that mean? Well?

Jeez, didn't they teach you anything about natural history in school? If there's no Great Mage, that means there must be meteorite. It's elementary stuff! If there's no meteorite, then that means that it simply hasn't been found yet. That means we'll have to go and find it!

In the yeti settlement on Bold Hill you'll find a cave with a ton of ore. We need seven samples of that ore. Here, we'll give you our hammer - take it and make your way into the lair of those hairy creatures.

Now, don't think for one second that you can use the hammer on those monsters. It's a tool, not a weapon. Use the hammer to break off the ore samples and bring the samples to us. Have we made ourselves clear?


Is there something that we haven't made clear? We'll explain it again. This is a hammer. You use it to break off seven ore samples, got it? Then you return to us.


Well, you didn't do too badly. Your contribution to science will not go unnoticed. We definitely won't forget what you've done... especially if this ore sample contains any traces of meteorite.


Experience: +3380

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