The Story of the Orb Continues



Bring the History of the Dead Sea to Sarang Eshe.


Korleone Chronicles are of great interest for us. According to the book, it was the Korleone family who discovered the mystery of sea salt that, being exposed to sulfuric fumes deep in the ocean, transformed into a hard drug, a psi-salt. In dishonest hands it could be used as a means of mind suppression. And that was the starting moment of the Korleone family's rise.

Fancy that, Nezeb himself supported the psi-salt production! He invented new methods that allowed the Empire to add psi-salt to fresh water, and make all its citizen be proud of and loyal to their country.

After the Cataclysm, the sea drastically changed, there were no more sulfuric vapors. Psi-salt no longer could be obtained. Therefore Nezeb ordered to cover all the tracks and kill the sailors. It appears that the orb caused the deaths of many of them thousands of years ago. Perhaps the spirits in Baladur port were victims of this tragedy? What a horrible way to die!

Sarang Eshe would certainly love to read this book herself. It contains tons of other information on psi-salt and the history of the Dead Sea, in addition to chronicling the secret of the orb. This is one of the most important historical finds in decades.


Well? Did you find anything out about the orb?


Wow! Look at this! I never imagined such a wealth of information existed. I must read this entire thing immediately as soon as all of the action dies down. Here, take one of these rewards. And thank you again!


Experience: +1160

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