Pagan symbol




Take the drill to Tale Teller in Lower City.


The amulet looks elegant and fine, regardless of its old age. It depicts animals among tree branches, and it seems to smell like blood and fir needles. You should ask Tale Teller about it.


What have you got, friend? An old amulet? Listen to my story then...


Hunter was considered the smartest and deftest of the gods. All animals of the woods, birds of the sky and the never-seen creatures obeyed him alone, born by his word and died by his will. He knew all: whether the hunt will be successful or not, or the arrow will hit the aim, or a branch crunches under a hunter's foot. He accepted blood, wild honey and berries for sacrifices.
In the years of poor harvest, a huge bear came. It killed cattle and destroyed crops. Whoever turned out to be brave enough to face and fight it, soon found out that it was noone else, but the Hunter turned into the bear. Hunter and the brave one became sworn brothers then, and all the luck and success was on his side forever.
Hunter is strict. He cannot stand cowardice and laziness. He aids the brave and the skilled. After death, they will stand together with other brave hunters, blowing a hunting horn and riding the trotters in high heavens.
Come by, if you find more artifacts. I will tell you other stories...


Experience: +2680

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