Second Exercise



Go to the Kingdom of Elements, drink the poison and kill 20 monsters within 30 minutes. Then report back to Klavdia Kalugina at the Overlord's Citadel.


The second exercise will harden your Spark.

You will have to drink this poison in the Kingdom of Elements. Here you go.

Don't worry, you won't die. You'll become a debtor and will die in 30 minutes if you don't return your debt.

How are you going to return your debt? By killing monsters, of course! If you accomplish the task within the given time, your exercise will be complete and I'll discharge your debt. But if you are late you will have to return your debt by going to the Purgatory, and then start over again.

Is it clear?


I don't know who you are and I don't like to owe anybody.

Especially when it is a matter of life and death.


Everything is good. Debt is returned.

Good job.


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