Torn Thread


  • World Mystery
  • Level: 65
  • Required level: 65
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Zone:
    White Fortress


Find Seeress Unn in the fortress and protect her from the Architects.


I'm worried for Unn. She's a very powerful seeress, and gibberlings call her the Thread Mistress. Right before the assault she started writhing in hysterics, raving and screaming that the new order is coming! We have never seen her like that.
Our governor told two soldiers to escort her to the hospital. I went for some tranquilizers, and that's when we were attacked.
The hospital is right there, near the pier. Can you please make sure Unn survived? We have little hope, but still...


What... What happened?


What's going on? I... I was dead, right? My Thread was cut, I can feel it! Now it's interlaced in the Fabric of Creation once again, but the Pattern... The Pattern has changed!
How?! How did you do it?!


Experience: +10875

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