The Rules of War



Turn your Flag of War on and talk to Esther de Desirae.


What I'm about to tell you is very important. It is my responsibility to explain some things about the ongoing war in the Holy Land. Take care to remember what I say for it may save your life.

The first thing is the most important - remember that we are at war with the Empire. The weak will not be able to survive. If you aren't able to fight and fight well you'll be taking many trips to Purgatory.

Secondly, you should know about the Flag of War. When it's raised you'll be able to attack the Imperials, but they'll also be able to attack you. I applaud the brave individuals that are always ready for battle, but I also respect those who keep their Flags lowered and wait for the most advantageous moments to attack.

You should also remember that you will immediately become hostile to the enemy whenever you attack the Imperials or help allies that are engaging in battle with them. Be careful and mind your actions.

Finally, you would do well to remember that there is safety in numbers. It's very dangerous to go out into the jungle alone. You would benefit from finding allies that will help you with whatever missions you are sent on.


Excellent! I can see that you're beginning to understand how the Flag works. If you ever have more questions about the system feel free to talk to me again.


Experience: +495

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