Second Chance




Kill 10 Imperial Defectors and hang 6 copies of the Amnesty Order on the trees around the Jakala Ruins for the Peppy Family.


We have to keep working to bring the deserters back into our forces.

Rumor has it that the deserters have collected at the Jakala Ruins, the ancient June ruins to the west of Merry Forest. Traitors to the League and the Empire are gathered there together. Just imagine the horror! We've got to get our guys out! The League is planning an offensive and we need the warriors!

Please hang copies of the order on the trees around the deserters' camp. Obviously, the Empire traitors will try to stop you but don't mince words with them. Our guys probably won't be pleased either, but they're just lost souls. They'll need time to read the order and change their minds... And we definitely hope that happens soon!


We can't sleep at night knowing that our former buddies are held up in the ruins. Those poor guys... Lost, out in the wind and rain...

No! The amnesty order was a very, very wise decision!


We have news from the League camp that deserters are going back and turning themselves in! We're so pleased!


Experience: +1520

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