The Missing Gold



Talk to Mikhail Selyaninov at Maddox Depot.


What am I going to do? Everyone knows the designs are missing, but no one believes that the deserters did it despite your efforts and disguises... That isn't the biggest problem though...

The League's wagon train has been robbed! A bag of gold was stolen! I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn who did it - deserters from the League Army!

Heh... we're not falling for that one! It doesn't take three brilliant heads like ours to know that the Empire is behind this. Now that both bidders are out of their respective bargaining chips, the auction has been put on hold.

So, here's what you need to do. Go to Maddox Depot in the north and report to Commander Mikhail Selyaninov. We need to figure out how to snatch our gold back from the Empire's clutches. Things have gotten pretty complicated, haven't they? I wonder what's going to happen now.


What? What gold are you talking about?! What am I supposed to do about missing gold? I sent an entire group of guards with the wagon! If they let it slip through their fingers, I'll hang them on the first tree I see! Now stop bothering me with minor issues! We've got more serious problems, like the satyrs!


Experience: +5700

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