The Ditzy Elven Lady



Escort Evette de Doucer to a safe location and report to Yaver Amenia.


Finally! Something other than a lizard's face! Get me out of here quickly. I'm a Historian! You have no idea how important my research is! These filthy lizardmen gobbled up all my notes, but I still remember some of it. I've got to put it down on paper as soon as possible.

Stop staring at me like that! Yes, I have dirt all over me. What did you expect? But I still look very good considering these unsanitary conditions, don't you think?

Damnit! Yaver Amenia is probably tired of waiting for me. That old biddy will never shut up now - "I warned you, didn't I?! I told you so!"

Hold on! You wouldn't happen to have a bottle of red wine on you, would you? That would really soothe my nerves for the dash out of here. Well, I suppose that might be a silly request. Alright, let's just go!


Do you have something to tell me?


You found Evette!? She seems to be a rather lucky girl. You know, she just barely managed to escape Kania before they started persecuting her family. And every jam she's gotten into in the Holy Land she's gotten out of. It's quite extraordinary how she pulls through every time! I hope she'll have something to show for her trouble when I see her!


Experience: +1600

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