Prejudiced Countrymen




Punish 3 Umoiran Rookies and return to the Gallant Family.


The first thing we've got to do is stop the bullying and the bigotry. We just got a new unit in from Umoira, and we never would have thought that such a backwater and ignorant allod could still exist!

The governor of Umoira teaches his citizens that Kanians are the heart and soul of the League, while the Elves are a vapid people that only care about their own agenda. Gibberlings are considered funny little animals that have descended from the trees to serve the Kanians! There is no end to our indignation!

The Umoiran unit arrived not too long ago but they're already bullying the Gibberlings. We've got no choice but to teach them the basics of tolerance and friendliness, but we're afraid they understand nothing but force. Do you think you could teach them a lesson?


In regards to the Umoirans' opinion about the Elves... Well, we finally agreed that it might not be far from the truth, but we can't raise our young ones with that kind of attitude! We firmly say "No!" to racism!


You have our thanks, as both commanders and Gibberlings.


Experience: +1640

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