


Kill 10 Imperial Spies on the Midnight Shore and find out what they're looking for in the ship for the Gallant Family at Brazen Hill.


An Imperial ship has run ashore not far from here. Everything of value has already been looted by our soldiers and smugglers, but Imperial spies have recently been spotted near the ship wreck. Obviously, they must be eliminated! But there's something else...

The most important thing is to find out what they're looking for.


We don't know what the Empire's scouts are looking for on that damaged ship...


Looks like the scouts were searching for this document. Let's have a look at it. Wow! A scout report. Okay... they investigated "Object 1" which had been seized by "rats..." what the heck are "rats?" They searched it from top to bottom but they haven't found out how to get around the magical barrier. The scout leader then asks that his boys don't have their bonuses taken away...

I'm sure that "Object 1" is Tep's Pyramid, which would make the "rats" cultists.

Fortunately for us, it looks like the Empire's scouts are as bad as ours.


Experience: +2050

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