One Good Turn Deserves Another



Collect Yawp the Forester's debt money from Vladimir Shiporov, the Kiddy Family, Nomarkh Semenkare and the mysterious debtor, and kill Nomarkh Semenkare.


You've been beyond the Cordon, so you're a Prospector now. It's time that we promote our business relationship!
One of my main sources of income is lending gold to rookie Prospectors. Most repay their loans with interest and keep thanking good ol' Yawp till the end of their days for helping them get their business off the ground.
But then there are those who just hit it, leaving me wondering whether my debtors are stuck in some ditch, or their souls're on the way to their final abode, or I simply got scammed.
Now, my list of debtors has grown rather long. If you find any of these skunks in your travels, try and collect my money from them. I'll give you a nice reward if you do.
Here are some names on my list. A Xadaganian named Vladimir Shiporov... To be honest, I don't even remember him - I just have his name put down here.
The Kiddy Family... Their bones must long be six feet under.
There's this other debtor... I can't make out his name, but I recall him saying that he was heading towards Giant's Table.
Most importantly, there's an Arisen named Nomarkh Semenkare who owes me money! I wish this bastard had never risen from his grave in the first place! He robbed me! Your task is not only to retrieve what he has stolen, but to kick his soul back to hell! Do this and I'll make sure that you're very satisfied with your reward!


Did you find my debtors? Your reward is still waiting for you.


You did it! I'm speechless! I had already written all that money off as losses! It's good to know that Nomarkh Semenkare won't be around to scam people anymore, too.


Experience: +2640

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