The Unresolved Threat



Meet with the Great Mage Aidenus in Novograd.


There's something terrible transpiring. Let's look at the clues... The demons teamed up with a necromancer in Coldberg to try to destroy the allod and deprive us of our meteorite ore. That was only the beginning.

Next, the demons teamed up with the vampires in Avilon to try and destroy another allod... the one controlled by the Great Mage Zayan and the Historians.

Their third target was the Great Dragon who controls Dragon Ring in and attempt to destroy yet another allod. You see, a Great Dragon can uphold an allod just as well as a Great Mage and meteorite ore.

And can you remember what happened before all that? The Sites of Power in the Holy Land all got defiled, Gorluxor started his uprising, and Tensess himself asked us to unite against the demonic threat!

Are you sensing a pattern here? It's possible that the demonic threat hasn't yet been neutralized! Keep your mouth shut about it - there's no need to start spreading panic! We'll need to check it out more first. Go speak with Aidenus about what needs to be done next. I believe that he's been looking for you.



There you are. I've been expecting you. Listen carefully because I must share matters of great importance with you.


Experience: +5520

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